No.Inc Site Relaunch
A lot has changed over the 17 years since we established No.Inc and what better way to showcase our most recent changes but by launching a new website?
Our company has grown. We’ve worked in a lot of industries and done a lot with this medium of the Web. Our focus has always been on creating quality solutions for our clients through creativity, craftsmanship, and collaboration. That focus remains at the core of what we do, but today we are announcing a formal change in the type of work we are doing and for whom we are doing it.
After a long history of working at the leading edge of custom software development for educational institutions and nonprofit organizations, and recently successfully completing a handful of large-scale projects in education, No.Inc will now focus all of our attention on educational technology.
Our educational technology solutions have powered a range of projects including mobile courseware and statewide assessments. We’ve developed tools to support and manage teacher evaluations, early care and education provider ratings, STEM career planning, special education case management, and much more.
Please take a few minutes to check out our new site and explore the work we’ve been doing in educational technology, and if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send them our way.
Talk to you soon,
The No.Inc Team
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